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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 01.08.2019
Upfield is a global leader in plant-based nutrition with a history and a portfolio of brands, including Flora, Rama, Becel, Blue Band, Country Crock, I Can’t Believe it’s not Butter and ProActiv.

We know that you care about your personal data and how it is used, and we want you to trust that Upfield uses your personal data carefully. This Privacy Notice will help you understand what personal data we collect, why we collect it and how we use it.

As you read our Privacy Notice, please keep in mind that it applies to Upfield B.V. and all Upfield Group companies ("Upfield").

Upfield Europe B.V. is the data controller of the personal data which we collect on the website. Upfield Europe B.V. or the local Upfield entity will be the data controller of the personal data which we collect on the local brand specific website (for example, or

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions by sending us an email or submitting a request through the “Contact Us” form on our websites.

If you want to know what Personal Information / Data Upfield hold about you, please submit a request here.

If you want Upfield to delete all of the Personal Information / Data we may hold about you, please submit a request here.

This Privacy Notice applies to personal data collected by Upfield in connection with the products we offer and the use of this website.