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Upfield Food Science Centre Achieves BREEAM Outstanding Sustainability Certification

Upfield Food Science Centre Achieves BREEAM Outstanding Sustainability Certification


Upfield Food Science Centre Achieves BREEAM Outstanding Sustainability Certification

WAGENINGEN, Netherlands (February 7, 2024) – Upfield is proud to announce that its Food Science Centre in Wageningen has been certified as BREEAM Outstanding, the highest level of sustainability certification for buildings worldwide.

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) evaluates buildings on a wide range of sustainability metrics including energy, water, materials, waste, pollution, health, wellbeing and ecology. Less than 1% of new commercial buildings achieve the Outstanding rating, putting the Upfield Food Science Centre in the top tier globally for sustainable design and operation.

“Achieving BREEAM Outstanding certification reflects Upfield’s deep commitment to sustainable business practices,” said Miriam Ueberall, Chief R&D Officer at Upfield. “As a leader in plant-based foods, we aim to develop the products of the future in facilities that minimise environmental impact.”

To earn certification, the Food Science Centre implemented initiatives like water-saving sanitation, optimal daylighting, renewable electricity and rooftop biodiversity planting. The building scored 88.49% overall, placing it in the top 7% of over 897 BREEAM-certified buildings in the Netherlands.

Upfield partnered with Nelissen BV, Van Wijnen and UNICA to construct the state-of-the-art facility in Wageningen. BREEAM Outstanding certification sets a new sustainability standard for Upfield’s industry and operations.